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学术报告通知——柳本 潤(东京大学)

时间:2016-05-23 点击数:

报告题目:Rolling Process Simulation and Its Link to the Simulation of Microstructure报告人:柳本 潤

报告时间:2016年 5月26日(周四)上午10:20-11:50




报告简介:The importance of structural metals for industrial applications is based on their superior combination of mechanical properties - strength, elongation, toughness and corrosion resistance – achieved at the end of forming processes. Simultaneous optimization of product geometry and mechanical property of product related to microstructure is required in the design of forming processes.The application FEM to rolling process from late 1980s will be summarized in the first half of the presentation. The CORMILL system developed by the University of Tokyo has been applied to various rolling processes such as rolling of strips, bar/wire rods and long products with complex sections. In the second half, a numerical analysis for the prediction of microstructure is presented. It is strongly required for the optimization of hot forming process parameters, because the microstructure of structural metals, which has the significant effects on mechanical properties, is strongly dependent to forming process conditions as well as the chemical composition.

报告人简介:柳本 潤(Yanagimoto Jun)教授于1961年7月12日生于日本山梨县;分别于1984、1989年在东京大学工学部机械工学科获得工学学士、博士学位;1989-2002年先后在日本东京大学生产技术研究所、德国亚琛工业大学、日本国立材料研究所担任助理教授、副教授,客座研究员后,于2003年,担任东京大学教授,2012-2013年任大阪大学客座教授。现任东京大学生产技术研究所教授,东京大学生产技术研究所成立于1942年,为日本最大、世界闻名的产学研中心。

柳本润教授在金属塑性加工领域取得了突出的成就,在日本及世界范围内均具有较大的影响力。目前为国际生产工程科学院(CIRP)院士,日本塑性加工学会秘书长和日本国家科学理事会理事,同时担任ISIJ International和铁と钢杂志副主编、Journal of Materials Processing Technology 和 Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing –Green Technology 杂志编委。发表学术论文200余篇,出版专著及手册9本/部。开发的三维CORMILL软件广泛应用于日本棒线材轧钢生产企业(如中山制铁株式会社)。





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