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丹麦科学院院士Niels Hansen 教授与Dorte Juul Jensen 教授学术报告通知

时间:2016-10-12 点击数:


题 目:Microstructure and strength of deformed metals from the macro to the nanoscale

报告人:Niels Hansen 教授

时 间:2016年10月19日9:00-10:00

地 点:世纪楼18层报告厅

摘 要:Plastic deformation processes refine the microstructure of metals and the finer the structure the stronger the metal. Close links therefore exist between processing, microstructure and strength of metallic materials. The deformed microstructure is central and its evolution with increasing strain must be characterized and structural parameters must be quantified. Such parameters determine the strength and are the basis for the formulation of strength-structure-strain relationships or constitutive equations to be used in analytical and numerical models. Such models are in global demand to guide design of processes and materials for a wide range of applications where examples are strong and light metals and surface engineering.

报告人简介:Niels Hansen教授是前丹麦Risø国家实验室负责人,在金属材料领域造诣高深,享有盛誉。教授长期从事金属材料塑性变形微观组织结构演化和回复再结晶的研究,提出并推动塑性变形结构的定量研究,建立工艺-结构-性能间的定量关系。迄今发表学术论文400余篇(60余篇Acta Materialia),撰写专著2部,被他引万余次。教授的大量研究成果成为塑性变形领域的教科书式经典,推动了塑性变形、回复再结晶以及新材料的发展。Hansen教授先后被评为美国国家工程院外籍院士、美国艺术与科学院外籍院士、欧洲科学院院士、丹麦科学院院士、日本金属学会荣誉院士、中国科学院爱因斯坦讲座教授、英国材料协会Fellow、法国冶金学会荣誉院士、丹麦冶金学会Poul Berghsoe奖章和美国TMS Robert Franklin Mehl奖等奖项和荣誉。


题 目:Recrystallization Kinetics and Relations to Mechanical Properties

报告人:Dorte Juul Jensen 教授

时 间:2016年10月19日10:00-11:00

地 点:世纪楼18层报告厅

摘 要:When a deformed metal is annealed, it typically recrystallizes whereby the metal becomes softer and more formable. Although this is very well known and has been used extensively in practice, key questions concerning the recrystallization mechanisms remain unsolved. Furthermore, new experimental characterization, for example in 4D by synchrotron x-ray diffraction, has revealed that well-accepted theories cannot explain the new data. In this presentation, the potentials of various experimental techniques for characterization of recrystallization are discussed and examples are given of key questions studied by these techniques. It will be shown how the techniques complement each other and have brought new understanding of recrystallization. Finally, the importance of local microstructural variations for the relations between recrystallization kinetics and mechanical properties are discussed.

报告人简介:Dorte Juul Jensen教授现为丹麦技术大学风能系材料科学及表征研究部主任,是金属材料回复、再结晶和晶粒长大、结构表征及四维金属结构等方面的国际知名学者。迄今,教授共发表SCI学术论文360余篇(包括国际权威杂志《Science》等),在国际会议和研讨会上做大会主题邀请报告50余次,出版专著8本,并撰写了50多个章节的专业书刊,包括材料大百科全书的两个章节。因其在再结晶领域的杰出贡献,被授予再结晶表征领域的Cyril Stanley Smith奖。教授为丹麦科学院院士,前丹麦科学基金会主席,第一位Statoil奖的女性获得者,第一位丹麦女性大博士,哈工大客座教授、重庆大学荣誉教授,中国科学院金属研究所李熏奖获得者。





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